Southmere Park Tiny Forest (London), credit Richard Held

Tiny Forest Queen's Park (Hinckley), met dank aan Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council.
Neem deel aan onze GRATIS evenementen! Van gezellige plantdagen tot boeiende online webinars en trainingssessies, er is iets wils voor iedere natuurliefhebber!

Tiny Forest Witney (Oxfordshire), met dank aan Earthwatch Europe.
Word een Boomverzorger
Omarm de rol van het onderhouden van jouw lokale Tiny Forest: van onkruid wieden tot ervoor zorgen dat het bosje groeit en bloeit. Dit is buurtgezelligheid op zijn groenst en best.

Meadow Lane, Tiny Forest
Tiny Forest Kalender
Onze kalender is ontworpen om je in contact te brengen met jouw lokale Tiny Forest, met genoeg activiteiten om het hele jaar door betrokken te zijn bij leuke activiteiten.

Tiny Forest Perry Common (Birmingham), met dank aan Earthwatch Europe.
Word een Burgerwetenschapper
Ontwikkel jezelf tot Burgerwetenschapper! Ontrafel de mysteries van de Tiny Forests, verzamel inzichten door middel van Tiny Forest monitoring en draag bij aan baanbrekende ecologische kennis.

Tiny Forest William Torbitt School (Londen), met dank aan Earthwatch Europe.
Tiny Forests voor Scholen
Betrek de leerlingen bij Tiny Forests als een 'levend wetenschapslaboratorium', voor praktijkgericht leren buiten het klaslokaal. Leerlingen ontwikkelen een connectie met en kennis van de natuur op spelende wijze.

Tiny Forest Tolka River Project (Dublin), met dank aan Inpho fotografie.
Ondersteun de Tiny Forest Beweging
Jouw donaties helpen om de Tiny Forest magie wijds te verspreiden, en voor iedereen toegankelijk te maken. Laten we samen een groene toekomst creëren!
Word een Bosopzichter
Wil je zorgen voor de natuur, verbinding maken met je lokale gemeenschap en je vaardigheden uitbreiden? Word dan vrijwilliger bij Tiny Forest en sluit je aan bij ons netwerk van Bosopzichters!
Afhankelijk van waar je interesse ligt, zijn er verschillende mogelijkheden om deel te nemen:
- Onderhoud (onkruid wieden en zwerfvuil rapen in je lokale Tiny Forest)
- Gemeenschapsbetrokkenheid (inspireer de lokale buurt om mee te doen)
- Burgerwetenschap (vlinders tellen, bomen meten en meer!)
Je kiest zelf welke activiteiten je wilt doen en hoe vaak - alleen of samen met mede-Bosopzichters. Earthwatch zal je ondersteunen met de tools, training en kennis die nodig zijn om jouw Tiny Forest ervaring leuk en leerzaam te maken!
Als je een Bosopzichter wilt worden, vul dan het contactformulier in of stuur ons een e-mail op
Ontmoet onze Geweldige Bosopzichters

Mutton brook Tiny Forest (London), met dank aan Paul Salman
our Tree Keepers for the Mutton brook Tiny Forest in Barnet lobbied with their local council to have a Tiny Forest in their borough for over one and a half years. They finally had their dream realised and now regularly organise events at their forest with local families – including a party for the forest’s first birthday!

Normand Park Tiny Forest (London), met dank aan Hammersmith and Fulham Council
Virginia, Peter, Alba, Chez, Paul, Ozlem and Mike from Normand Park Tiny Forest are very passionate, engaged and carry out regular citizen science events for their local community.

Perry Common Tiny Forest (Birmingham), met dank aan Stephanie Boyle
Stephanie is from Perry Common Tiny Forest and always hangs colourful ribbons on the Tiny Forest sign whenever she visits as an invitation for people to come have a chat with her.

East Lancing Recreational Ground Tiny Forest (Lancing), met dank aan Halinka Tyszko
Halinka regularly weeds her Tiny Forest, like clockwork in East Lancing. Her suggestion: ‘Don’t make a lot of work for yourselves. Pull your weeds out and pack them round the trunks of your trees. Huge nitrogen (boost) and keeps the ground clear and humid.’

White-Breasted Waterhen Tiny Forest, Whitehouse Farm Park (Derby), met dank aan Sarah Clark
Sarah and her family celebrated their Tiny Forest’s first birthday with a home-baked cake! They also regularly weed and monitor their forest.

Oak Street Tiny Forest (Wolverhampton), met dank aan Jane James
Ric, Phil, Jane, Asha and Parveen meet regularly at their Tiny Forest in Wolverhampton and carry out citizen science surveys, weeding and have a good chat.

Frank Bott Ave Tiny Forest (Crewe), credit Sarah McKenzie
Ian in Crewe helped repair the broken fence while Sarah and her little daughter helped water their Tiny Forest by borrowing her neighbour’s bowser!

Tychwood Tiny Forest (Witney), met dank aan Rachael Elizabeth
Harry and his brother Thomas who are growing alongside their Tiny Forest in Witney, getting involved in all aspect of planting, monitoring and caring for their forest. Plus finding time to enjoy a nice picnic with their mum Rachael after carrying out a biodiversity survey.

Southmere Park Tiny Forest (London), met dank aan Lucyna Kaniecka
Lucyna and her partner are always on top of maintaining their Tiny Forest. They regularly weed and water their forest and take breathtaking photographs of the amazing wildlife they find – including a little toad that climbed onto Lucyna’s shoe during a weeding session!

Papua New Guinea Orchid Tiny Forest (Stafford), met dank aan Andy Gibson
Andy is very passionate about his Tiny Forest and carries out regular weeding and biodiversity surveys. Here he has found baby newts under a biodiversity tile!

Flamboyant Tiny Forest, Hope Coppice (Solihull), met dank aan Neve Hughes
Neve lives very close to the Tiny Forest and keeps a close eye on his forest, sharing some of the amazing biodiversity he spots.

Queen's Park Tiny Forest (Hinckley Bosworth), met dank aan Helen Stokes
Helen is keen to give the plants and trees in her forest a better chance to grow and flourish with regular weeding.

Stanford Reservoir Tiny Forest (Lutterworth), credit Dean Bradshaw
Dean has championed tackling very weedy forests and giving the saplings the best chance to thrive.

St Andrew's Church (Chippenham), credit Melanie Boyle
Melanie visits her Tiny Forest along with her fellow Tree Keepers to carry out regular maintenance. She has also gotten her local school involved in the monitoring of the forest and even collected the Chippenham Civic Society Conservation and Environment Award for the Tiny Forest.

Egford Lane Park Tiny Forest (Frome), credit Helen Viner
Helen regularly gets her local school involved to monitor and nurture her Tiny Forest. Here Helen shares a photo of her lush forest after a good round of watering from the bowser during a recent heat spell.

Scawsby Saltersgate Infant Primary Tiny Forest (Doncaster), met dank aan Jenni Coy
Jenni is one of the teachers at a school that have their very own Tiny Forest in their school grounds. These living science laboratories are amazing places to engage young minds. This forest even has its very own pond attracting lots of local wildlife.

William Torbitt Tiny Forest, Redbridge (London), met dank aan Earthwatch
Karen loves taking her pupils to their Tiny Forest, where the students find trees that are the same height as them to ‘twin’ with, play musical instrument to their trees, and many more fun activities.

Ladywell Fields Tiny Forest, Lewisham (London), met dank aan Gabby Shiner-Hill
Penelope diligently made notes during the Tree Keeper induction webinar. She has plans to talk to her Eco Club at school about her Tiny Forest. Penelope and her sister recently visited their forest for a weeding session with her mother Gabby and granny - the beginning of an intergenerational Tiny Forest story!

Fleming Park Tiny Forest (Eastleigh), met dank aan Paul Stubbington
Paul and his fellow Tree Keepers are always keen to stop by their forest and check for vandalism, do a bit of weeding and monitoring. Here they have kindly fixed the signage of their forest after an incident of vandalism.
Perry Common Tiny Forest (Birmingham), credit Fever-Tree
Samen brengen we de dieren en insecten in kaart die de Tiny Forests bezoeken.
Meet samen met andere bosopzichters de koolstofopslag van bomen in jouw Tiny Forest.
Onze Resultaten
Ons monitoringsrapport toont de resultaten van onze burgerwetenschapsonderzoeken.
Het 'levende wetenschapslab' biedt praktijkgericht leren over wateropslag, bodemgezondheid, plantengroei en biodiversiteit. Scholen gaan hiermee aan de slag door te meten, observeren en Tiny Forest gegevens te verzamelen en vergelijken. ook bieden Tiny Forests een veilige plek om uit de comfortzone te stappen en kennis te ontwikkelen in- en over de natuur. Leer hier meer over het gebruik van Tiny Forest in scholen en de educatieve bronnen voor leren en onderwijs.